Friday, July 29, 2005

Getting God out of America


My favorite joke: On his way up the walk to a mansion on a farm, a traveling salesman sees a pig with a wooden leg roaming over a great lawn. The retired farmer, wearing an elegant smoking jacket, answers the door. When the salesman asks how the pig got the wooden leg, the farmer lays down his pipe, and says, “Son, let me tell you about that pig. That pig saved my life. One night, when my family was sleeping, the old farmhouse caught fire. That pig ran into the house and dragged my family and me out to safety. We owe our lives to that pig.

“And, another thing. A few years ago, that pig was rooting around in the yard, and he struck oil. He made me a millionaire. Everything I have, I owe to that pig.”

The salesman was impressed. “But how did the pig get the wooden leg?”

The farmer replied solemnly, “Son, a great pig like that, you don’t eat all at once.”

America is now living the joke....
Link to rest here


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