Unless You Repent You Will All Likewise Perish
by John Piper
June 5, 1988
Luke 13:1-5
If this text were taking place today we would come to Jesus and say, "Did you hear about the miners last week who were buried 300 feet underground by an explosion north of Frankfurt, Germany?" And Jesus would look into our eyes like nobody has ever looked before, and he would say, "Do you think this happened to these miners because they were worse sinners than the other Germans? Or that bus load of church young people that were killed in Kentucky do you think that they were worse sinners than the other Americans who escape every day? I tell you, No; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish." Link to rest of Articel here
June 5, 1988
Luke 13:1-5
If this text were taking place today we would come to Jesus and say, "Did you hear about the miners last week who were buried 300 feet underground by an explosion north of Frankfurt, Germany?" And Jesus would look into our eyes like nobody has ever looked before, and he would say, "Do you think this happened to these miners because they were worse sinners than the other Germans? Or that bus load of church young people that were killed in Kentucky do you think that they were worse sinners than the other Americans who escape every day? I tell you, No; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish." Link to rest of Articel here
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