Monday, April 02, 2007

The God Debate

Armed with a first class intellect and stunning verbal range, Sam Harris is perhaps the most effective apologist for atheism since Voltaire or Bertrand Russell were in their respective times. In his two books End of Faith and Letter to a Christian Nation Harris skewers belief in God with admirable skill. Not that there's anything new here. Harris' unique brilliance is that he is able to resurrect the standard arguments against the existence of God with a freshness that make his ad hominems sound immenently self-evident. But as Solomon pointed out, "What the first man says seems right until his neighbor comes along and examines him (Proverbs 18:17)".

If you've not heard of Sam Harris you certainly will. I admit, having read his books, how effective they must be to the uncritical mind. And people are certainly reading them. Both are on the New York Times best-seller lists. But take heart, having heard Harris challenged by Dennis Prager and now Rick Warren of Saddleback and "Purpose Driven Life" fame, I have seen his confidence wither a bit. In this regard Newsweek has performed a valuable service.

You can decide for yourself whether Rick gave as good as he got....The God Debate Regardless, all this is good for the Kingdom. As our Lord assured us concerning the Church, "The gates of hell will not prevail against it (Matthew 16:18)". Debate about God is something to be encouraged. Join the fight!


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