Culture of Death?
There is, for many Americans, a certain romantic fascination with all things European. Paris, London, Rome, and yes, Amsterdam, are names which immediately inspire images of urbane beauty and sophistication. But fashion and architecture aside, the secular socialism on that continent is producing something very ominous. Advancing from as far back as the Enlightenment one can trace a steady devolution in human value, the result of the systematic separation of God from all vestiges of public and intellectual life.
Only the latest incarnation of this dark trend is happening now in the Netherlands, where the government is experimenting with giving doctors the power to prematurely kill terminally sick children, even over their parents' wishes, up to the age of 12! (see "Euthanasia debate in Europe focuses on children"). This is all done in the name of compassion and preventing needless suffering, of course. That was the argument in Germany during the Wiemar Republic (1919-1933) and on into the Third Reich. And we know were that led. Euthanasia was used to murder millions of the retarded and infirm that were thought widely to be a drag on the state.
In the Netherlands, the new power given to doctors to decide who lives and dies is cryptically referred to as -- the protocol-- a term straight out of a George Orwell novel. Only in the Netherlands it isn't fiction, but yet another grim reminder of how otherwise reasonable men become brutes when God is rejected.
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