Monday, October 10, 2005

The devil in the details

Never say never. Here I am, posting a link to an OP-ED piece that ran today in the Los Angeles Times, a paper renowned for its intolerance on non-leftist philosophy. But the season may be a changing, for I have noticed a change since the annoucement of Michael Kinsley's deparature. Here's an example, a compelling article on the postmodernism's assault on truth by Amos Oz.

By Amos Oz, Israeli novelist AMOS OZ is the author, most recently, of the memoir "A Tale of Love and Darkness" (Harcourt, 2004). This article is adapted from a speech he gave when he received the Goethe Prize in

JUST AS IT IS immensely difficult to define the truth, yet quite easy to smell a lie, it may sometimes be hard to define good, but evil has its unmistakable odor: Every child knows what pain is. Therefore, each time we deliberately inflict pain on another, we know what we are doing. We are doing evil. Ever since the Book of Job, and until not so long ago, Satan, man and God lived in the same household. All three seemed to know the difference between good and evil. God, man and the devil knew that evil was evil and that good was good. God commanded one option. Satan tried to seduce the other. God and Satan played on the same chessboard. Man was their game-piece. It was as simple as that.
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