Danger: Right Wing Radical Extremists
According to a piece by the Associated Press: "Nearly 1.5 million babies, a record, were born to unmarried women in the United States last year, the government reported Friday. And it isn’t just teenagers any more".
Does that trouble you? If so, it probably means you're a right wing extremist.
Would you prefer to legally limit abortion? You would!? You must be a radical. Are you also one of those nuts who wants to keep marriage between a man and a woman? You're kidding? You're definitely a far right extremist with views that are dangerous to society.
According to Senator Charles Schumer, and I assume his many like minded colleagues, the withdrawal of Harriet Miers for consideration to the Supreme Court Schumer was orchestrated by conservative forces he labeled as "extremist" and "radical", forces who are jeopardizing American society with their odious agenda. But who is he referring to, exactly? Well, certainly one of those forces is Concerned Women for America, who the day prior to Mier's withdrawal came out publicly against her confirmation on the grounds that she made speeches soft on abortion. So what are the beliefs of CWA that Schumer finds so "extreme". Let's see, I went to their web site and pulled down the following issues CWA sees as "core." Here they are:
Sound extreme? I've got new for you. If you align with any of these, the odds are that you too are viewed by a growing number of Americans as a dangerous "radical". Read these core issues again. Do you find it hard to believe that Senators Schumer, Reid, Boxer...et-al, and the millions that vote to keep them in office find such beliefs so viscerally offensive? Well, they do. But they despise these views what is it that they want to promote? Well, since the CWA's core issues are "extreme", it's logical to conclude that the Democratic Party supports the opposite position:
1) Sanctity of Human Life. The Democratic Party does not believe in the sanctity of human life and wants no limits against abortion.
2) Education. The Democratic Party wants to keep educational authority in the state and out of parent's control.
3) Pornography. The Democratic Party does not want to fight pornography and obscenity but rather seeks to support and promote it.
4) Religious Liberty. The Democratic Party apparently does not like religious liberty but seeks to discriminate and persecute religious observance.
5) National Sovereignty. The Democratic Party believes that the United States should cede authority, by one degree or another, to the U.N, and other world bodies, like the International Criminal Court in Belgium.
Hyberbole? I wish it were, but on issues small and large the Democratic Party has fought for and defended each and every one of these platforms. But they are not the radicals; you are.
Does that trouble you? If so, it probably means you're a right wing extremist.
Would you prefer to legally limit abortion? You would!? You must be a radical. Are you also one of those nuts who wants to keep marriage between a man and a woman? You're kidding? You're definitely a far right extremist with views that are dangerous to society.
According to Senator Charles Schumer, and I assume his many like minded colleagues, the withdrawal of Harriet Miers for consideration to the Supreme Court Schumer was orchestrated by conservative forces he labeled as "extremist" and "radical", forces who are jeopardizing American society with their odious agenda. But who is he referring to, exactly? Well, certainly one of those forces is Concerned Women for America, who the day prior to Mier's withdrawal came out publicly against her confirmation on the grounds that she made speeches soft on abortion. So what are the beliefs of CWA that Schumer finds so "extreme". Let's see, I went to their web site and pulled down the following issues CWA sees as "core." Here they are:
Definition of the Family
CWA believes the traditional family consists of one man and one woman joined in marriage, along with any children they may have. We seek to protect traditional values that support the Biblical design of the family.
Sanctity of Human Life
CWA supports the protection of all life from conception until natural death. This includes the consequences resulting from abortion.
CWA seeks to reform public education by returning authority to parents.
CWA endeavors to fight all pornography and obscenity.
Religious Liberty
CWA supports the God-given rights of individuals in the United States and other nations to pray and worship without fear of discrimination or persecution.
National Sovereignty
CWA believes that neither the United Nations nor any other international organization should have authority over the United States in any area, including economics, social policy, military, and land ownership.
Sound extreme? I've got new for you. If you align with any of these, the odds are that you too are viewed by a growing number of Americans as a dangerous "radical". Read these core issues again. Do you find it hard to believe that Senators Schumer, Reid, Boxer...et-al, and the millions that vote to keep them in office find such beliefs so viscerally offensive? Well, they do. But they despise these views what is it that they want to promote? Well, since the CWA's core issues are "extreme", it's logical to conclude that the Democratic Party supports the opposite position:
1) Sanctity of Human Life. The Democratic Party does not believe in the sanctity of human life and wants no limits against abortion.
2) Education. The Democratic Party wants to keep educational authority in the state and out of parent's control.
3) Pornography. The Democratic Party does not want to fight pornography and obscenity but rather seeks to support and promote it.
4) Religious Liberty. The Democratic Party apparently does not like religious liberty but seeks to discriminate and persecute religious observance.
5) National Sovereignty. The Democratic Party believes that the United States should cede authority, by one degree or another, to the U.N, and other world bodies, like the International Criminal Court in Belgium.
Hyberbole? I wish it were, but on issues small and large the Democratic Party has fought for and defended each and every one of these platforms. But they are not the radicals; you are.
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